

compendium payroll

compendium payroll

compendium payroll

Key people

The key to our success?
Our human resources

Visionary Entrepreneur and Strategic Consultant in Technology and Food Sectors

If you can measure it, you can improve it.

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CTO Compendium

One day the machines will be able to solve all problems but none of them can deliver us one.

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PayRoll Manager

In life, you can get everything you want if you help other people get what they want.

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Operation Manager - HR & Payroll Service

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James.

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AFC Manager

Dedication and constant passion: these are the pillars to generate business value and the flywheel to always aim for success.

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Labor Consultant - Technical Consultant of the Court - Civil Mediator - Partner Compendium

Success is born from opportunity and preparation.

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HR Manager

“Building capacity and creating a fulfilling work environment, the secret to a solid common vision between employee and Company.”

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Head of Labor Tax - Partner Compendium STP S.r.L.

Everything that can be imagined is real

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Labor Consultant - Partner Compendium STP S.r.L.

Knowledge is the key of success

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Project Manager & BI Development

Books are not for knowing but for thinking, and thinking means shunning uncritical adherence in order to be open to question.

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Compendium Controller

The desire and knowledge to adapt to continually evolving contexts: this is the experience that creates value.

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Business Coach and Compendium Partner

You are what you do.               

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Lawyer - Compendium partner

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit

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Sales Manager

To grow a company, the right tools are needed. Knowing them is the first step to making good use of them.

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Digital Strategist and BI specialist - Compendium partner

Innovation, technology and development are simply music to my ears.

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Communication Manager

Valuable ideas are what value content can be created from. Everything else is marketing.

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Labor consultant - Compendium partner

A company’s most important resource is the people who bring it to life.

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Commercialista e Revisore Legale - Compendium partner

My main aim? To generate value for your business.

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