

compendium payroll

compendium payroll

compendium payroll


We can rebuild the future of your business from the ground up

Did you know that, with law no. 155/2017, the Italian Parliament approved several changes to the system for insolvency and restructuring proceedings, as well as debt management for companies that may or may not be subject to bankruptcy proceedings?


To facilitate restructuring, any company facing bankruptcy now has multiple new avenues at its disposal to overcome its financial difficulties, including debt restructuring agreements and certified recovery plans.

Backed by extensive experience, in-depth knowledge of the subject at hand, and support from a diverse range of companies, the accountants and statutory auditors who work in partnership with Compendium can help companies that are in crisis – but still able to generate value – to overcome their financial instability.

They will be able to carry on their business as best as possible, which may involve an agreement with some or all of their creditors.

The company can therefore enjoy favourable financial conditions on its road to recovery. From the document collection stage to the approval of the plan at the competent court (if necessary), the professionals will provide support and expert advice at every phase of the restructuring process.

The law offers every company the opportunity to start from scratch, regaining their leading role in the market.


Our consultants can create the best solution to grow your company.

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