

compendium payroll

compendium payroll

compendium payroll

Employment consulting and personnel administration

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  • Employment consulting and personnel administration

We can anticipate your requests and solve your problems:
employment consulting and human resources management go hand in hand

Our professionals are a constant source of information regarding employee relationship management, supporting the company every step of the way along the path to growth.


By approaching each company on a case-by-case basis, taking into account their specific needs, any updates to labour law regulations, and any applicable social security concessions and tax reliefs, we can considerably reduce business costs, drawing on the knowledge of industry experts.

The consultants to whom we entrust the administration of the company's personnel will handle the bureaucratic procedures related to hiring and firing and personnel management in a professional and high-tech manner, with constant electronic and telephone assistance where needed.

When it comes to employment consulting and human resource management, we can provide all the support you need. Our professionals undertake a wide range of tasks to ensure optimal management of all employees: identifying the right classification for each human resource, selecting the most suitable contract type based on the company characteristics, drawing up administrative documents based on their legal knowledge and industry skills, and more.

The unique selling points of the service


Customised services


Industry experience


Knowledge of the latest labour law updates

A big plus

Our professionals provide constant advice and support every step of the way, offering the best solutions to meet your business goals.

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La vera svolta amministrativa per la gestione del personale

Un servizio customizzato, costruito ad hoc sulle esigenze di ogni singola azienda, un approccio modulare, uno schema pricing chiaro e altamente competitivo, la competenza di consulenti esperti del settore giuslavoristico e finanziario, il supporto di software tecnologici grazie ai quali ottenere automazione ed integrazione: sono tanti i motivi per cui aziende di qualunque dimensione scelgono Compendium.