We combine the advanced legal/legislative skills of our expert consultants with ever-evolving integrated IT systems to offer our client companies an extensive and comprehensive range of solutions in terms of HR & payroll, administration, finance and control.
We can digitalise, automate and integrate all business processes, from HR & payroll to finance. The infrastructure is based on Compendium's system integration platform, combining the skills of the technical team with the know-how of the consultants to ensure in-depth and proactive management control spanning every area of interest.
Compendium STP provides tailored support for each sector thanks to a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals, who are all enrolled in the relevant registers. They are driven by one goal: generating value for their customer's business.
This Compendium service is created to improve the behavioural, managerial and strategic performance of company managers by way of business coaching.
Dall’01/01/2019 la fatturazione elettronica è diventata obbligatoria per tutte le cessioni di beni e le prestazioni di servizi.